Hola 2022!

So I tested positive with Covid.Happened on 14th of January(erm…why hello there number 5!!) No,I do not believe it is inevitable at all.After managing to dodge it for 2 years,all it took was for one member in the family to flout rules and that is what brought it into the house.

Was I angry?I was LIVID because here I was doing all that I could within my power to stay safe while everyone else was just happy not doing anything! So I didn’t understand why I had to get it because of someone else’s disregard for covid protocols.

Took me a while to get over it.While there was all that anger,I also realised I had so much to be grateful for.My kids tested negative,my husband also tested negative which meant they had someone to take care of them.I was completely asymptomatic.No fever,no discomfort,no weakness,no congestion.I did not suffer while there were so many others who did!

Made me a bit more appreciative of my body for not giving up on me and letting me stay strong.

If this helps,here are somethings you need to know if you test positive and are asymptomatic:

1)The day you test (even when the report is pending) is Day-0

2)If you are asymptomatic,5 full days of isolation is all you need.(There’s that number again!!) If you do not have any symptoms during the time,congratulations! You can get out but make sure you wear a mask for 5 more days just to be safe and of course if you do develop symptoms during the course of that time,the counter sets back to day-0!

I’m currently on Day-3 with zero symptoms so far.

I have NOT worked out,I have NOT followed my diet plan,I have not read a book and I have zombied out with my phone.Am I on a guilt trip?Maybe a little but hey I blogged didn’t I?? So that is my redemption 😉

2 more days to go! Wish me luck and hope the world gets past this nightmare sooner!

                                                   ~Vive Valeque ❤️


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