Mind blown!
I love reading about things like this more so because I kinda revel in the mysteries of the universe.Did you know that when you take pictures of the sun from the same place,at the same time for about a year,the highest point being the summer solstice and the lowest point being the winter solstice,the resultant pattern is the symbol of infinity???Apparently this kind of picture is called an analemma and it applies to all celestial bodies!!How crazy is that???So far, at least according to google and as of 2019, only about 20 people have successfully captured an analemma. Posting a few of those pics because I am absolutely, positively mind blown today!
Pic Credit:Anthony Ayiomamitis
Pic Credit:Frank Zuflo
Pic Credit: Guiseppe Donatello
Fun facts:
- Analemmas on the other planets have different shapes entirely.
- A combination of the Earth's 23.5 degree tilt and its slightly elliptical orbit combine to generate this pattern
- Of the nine planets in our solar system, seven of these (including Earth) exhibit the right orbital characteristics for the sun to form an analemmic curve throughout the planet's solar year.
- The two exceptions to this are Mercury and Venus. The length of day on these two planets almost matches the revolution time around the sun, thus the motion of the sun from one day to the next is not a smooth analemmic curve. In fact, the length of the day on Venus is slightly longer than its' solar year.
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