Pasta making shenanigans
One of the things on my bucket list was to make pasta from scratch. I've ALWAYS wanted to pick up a pasta machine but never could for some reason or the other.It has been on my mind for sometime now and you know how it is about the universe conspiring to do things when you keep thinking about it or maybe not but whatever the reason was,I found myself going and buying a -used once only- second hand machine from Sharmila,whose art classes I've been wanting to go to forever. so It was also a dream come true to finally see her in person.Anyways, that's a story for another day.Back to my pasta machine,which I consider a pre-birthday pressie- it's a Lakeland Chromed that can dole out lasagna, fettuccine,tagliatelle and spaghetti and I couldn't wait to show it to the kids.
After reading a million recipes(okay maybe not that many but you know what I mean), I just concluded that 1 cup of APF,1 whole egg,a tsp of olive oil and a pinch of sugar might just work to start with and I wasn't wrong!We made what I think was fettuccine(can't really tell the difference between tagliatelle and fettuccine since I've never had a viva Italiano moment-read traveled to Italy- yet) with a dash of oregano and parmesan shavings thrown in and I was simply amazed at how quickly it happened and got demolished!
The Good-
1)Watching how animated my kids are while making it.Might consider having pasta nights once a week at least.
2)It happens so fast!!The -wait for it to boil and al dente- doesn't seem forever anymore.
The Bad-None so far,it's been all good!
The Ugly-Well without a drying rack or kids, it does tend to become a lil lumpy mess when I do it on my own which is a bit sad.
Goal currently amped to making rainbow pasta-someday,someway!
After reading a million recipes(okay maybe not that many but you know what I mean), I just concluded that 1 cup of APF,1 whole egg,a tsp of olive oil and a pinch of sugar might just work to start with and I wasn't wrong!We made what I think was fettuccine(can't really tell the difference between tagliatelle and fettuccine since I've never had a viva Italiano moment-read traveled to Italy- yet) with a dash of oregano and parmesan shavings thrown in and I was simply amazed at how quickly it happened and got demolished!
The Good-
1)Watching how animated my kids are while making it.Might consider having pasta nights once a week at least.
2)It happens so fast!!The -wait for it to boil and al dente- doesn't seem forever anymore.
The Bad-None so far,it's been all good!
The Ugly-Well without a drying rack or kids, it does tend to become a lil lumpy mess when I do it on my own which is a bit sad.
Goal currently amped to making rainbow pasta-someday,someway!
Image courtesy: Monchoso
-Vive Valeque♡
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